Swim Spa Installation: The Do’s and Don’ts

Swim Spa Installation: The Do’s and Don’ts

26 Apr

As a customer, you may have numerous questions regarding the installation of swim spas, whether it’s about the maintenance or tips for using the control panels. Once you find the perfect spas for sale in Sacramento, then you need to know everything about swim spa installation requirements for a smooth installation process to ensure that you are doing the right thing. So here are some best tips for a perfect swim spa installation.

The base

When you are looking for swim spas for sale in Sacramento, make sure that you have a solid and level surface that can handle the weight of the swim spa. It is recommended that the foundation be reinforced on a concrete pad at least 4 inches thick. However, you may also choose to go with EZ pads, provided that the surface under them is properly leveled and compacted in order to prevent the swim spa from shifting as the ground settles. Avoid installing your swim spas on grass or uneven surfaces, or place objects underneath to level them. You may also contact a professional to level the site. Other options include a reinforced deck, professionally installed pavers, or a vault that allows you to recess the swim spa. But the best foundation remains a concrete pad.


You may be curious about the space required for installing the swim spa. These structures can vary from 8 to 19 feet or as the provider offers. So it would help if you leave space to get in and out of the spa and for service clearance. Experts recommend allowing three feet on each side of the spa, which is most necessary on the side where the components are located. If you are installing a vault for an in-ground spa, make sure that your account for access to the control panel. You can use a deck surround since the panels can be removed during service. But if you choose to install your swim spa on a deck, you need a licensed contractor to evaluate the deck support as it needs to support the spa’s weight.

Ask for delivery

While preparing for the installation, measure the access or entry points. The delivery crew will need at least a space that is at least 8 feet wide in order to get the unit in. You might have to use a crane if the entry point cannot be accessed. So you can request your provider to evaluate your space in person.

Dedicated power source

Ask your provider how much of a hook-up the swim spa requires, and get a licensed electrician to evaluate your set–up. If necessary, you must install a breaker and then connect to the swim spa. It is recommended that the electrician perform his work after the installation. The GFCI breaker box should be located near the swim spa or in line of sight from the swim spa. This will make it easily accessible for safety reasons.


A stress-free swim spa delivery and installation can be achieved with careful planning. Prepare your space before the spa arrives; it can be installed in less than a day.

Featured Image Source: https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1347902162/photo/luxury-bathtub-for-therapeutic-massage-and-relaxation-outside-on-the-grass-under-the-blue-sky.jpg?b=1&s=170667a&w=0&k=20&c=f57lsUR6b8nopIQm4fThmZY7vER7uLvZXJMcddlh498=